Your Facilitiesline membership payment

How can I pay?

You can choose the following methods of payment you will be able to use Facilitiesline, but your account will remain unverified until your payment clears.


The quickest and easiest way to pay is via your online account as this payment will be reflected immediately.

Pay online using my account

Pay by phone

To make your payment by telephone, please call 01256 591219. Please use your Facilitiesline membership number for reference.


Please use the following details when making a BACS payment:

Bank:Barclays Bank plc
Account name:Once For All Limited
Sort code:20-67-59
Account number:70872326
Payment reference:Invoice number
VAT Registration number:302 7332 43

Please note: If you do not quote your invoice number in the payment reference, this may result in your payment not being allocated to your account.

Would you like to pay your next invoice by Direct Debit? Please complete our
Direct Debit mandate form and return this to us.

Frequently asked questions regarding your Facilitiesline membership payments.

We’ve put together some commonly asked questions to give you more information about payments for your membership.

How often am I invoiced?

Facilitiesline memberships are invoiced annually. When you sign up for the first time, we will send you an invoice that includes your joining fee, along with your first year’s membership. You will be invoiced 30 days before your membership expires.

I already have an SSIP with another provider

Facilitiesline Gold membership includes an SSIP from Acclaim, and the combined cost will likely be less than having your Facilitiesline membership with us and your SSIP with another provider. You could save up to 40%.

You will only have one invoice to pay rather than two, so it’ll reduce administrative costs along with actual costs.

There is an error with my invoice?

Please contact our Customer Success team by completing this formemail or call 0203 429 7883.