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Frequently asked questions
Naturally you may have questions regarding Facilitiesline and how it works, so we’ve put together an extensive list of answers, based on the queries our suppliers tend to ask.
Facilitiesline is part of the Once For All Group, so your profile can appear in the search results of thousands of buyers from across the UK within the Facilities Management and Construction industry.
Only registered buyer members have access to the database via specifically allocated user names and passwords.
At Facilitiesline, one of our primary objectives is to reduce duplication for everyone involved in the tender process and to reduce the amount of paperwork you face at the tender stage, but we also want to help you grow your business and we have an array of tools to help you grow your business on Facilitiesline. Such as…
We know that as a supplier in the facilities management industry you’re always looking for new business opportunities and, as the UK’s largest community of FM buyers and suppliers, we can help. We’re proud to be introducing Facilitiesline’s brand new service, Marketplace which has been designed specifically to help you promote your business and win more deals.
We offer two different levels of supplier membership, allowing you to showcase your credentials to the Facilities Management buyers you already know and want to stay connected to, and those you would love to work for.
For both Bronze membership and Gold membership, we collect, verify and monitor your company information through a risk-based question set designed for Facilities Management, as well as offering a range of services and opportunities, designed to connect you to buyers, help you grow your business and assist you in your day-to-day activities.
Find out more about our memberships by visiting our memberships page or contact us to speak to our experts today.
Facilitiesline buyers should not be requesting information that we already collect and they sign terms and conditions to this effect when they register. Please contact our team and let us know which buyers are requesting this information. We will contact the buyers directly and ask them to remove the duplicate questions from their PQQ questionnaires.
There are a number of things you can do to increase the number of searches you appear in.
Maintaining a verified status ensures you appear in any buyer searches, considering your business matches their criteria. It also shows the buyers that you are efficient in keeping your information up to date by visiting the platform regularly or by being notified of your status and logging into your profile before your verified status expires.
When completing your Facilitiesline profile, you are asked to advise your business’s type of work by selecting the relevant work categories and providing the location(s) in which your company operates. Keeping this information up to date is critical as the buyers use it to search for suppliers to add to their supply chain.
Our Gold membership offers businesses the option of expanding their buyer audience by adding extra verification modules.
You will have a greater chance of being chosen to be on a buyers supply chain as you have the opportunity to provide information regarding Environmental Management, Working with Electricity, Working with Gas and many more.
Marketplace has been designed specifically to help you promote your business and win more deals. This brand new feature offers the ability to search and filter through thousands of projects across the UK, that are publically sourced from Planning Applications, Find-a-Tender, Contracts Finder and OEJU (TED).
Social Value is becoming a hot topic when it comes to sourcing new suppliers, as the buyers are searching more and more for suppliers that can support their social value strategies.
That’s why our new Social value question set has been introduced to allow you to demonstrate where your business stands out from the competition and provide evidence that your organisation is adding value to the communities in which it works.
More and more buyers are looking for small, local contractors to employ because they are keen to re-invest in their local communities. In some cases, they ask us if we can provide them with details on more local companies because they cannot find any. The Facilitiesline system itself enables buyers to put in fairly complex search criteria so they are able to specify what size of company they would prefer to use. Therefore, if you are a small company it would be a great asset to join Facilitiesline.
In addition, Facilitiesline has created a new Social Value question set that allows you as a supplier to demonstrate how you can support their social value strategy, such as ‘engaging with local communities’.
Suppliers pay an annual fee based on their turnover. Annual membership starts from as little as £149 a year* and you can register for an unlimited number of work categories and work locations.
View a full breakdown of the membership packages and prices.
*There is a one-off joining fee for new members based on your turnover band. From the second year of membership onwards, suppliers will only pay the annual membership fee.
If you have missed your account set-up email, you can request a new password by clicking ‘Forgot your password’ on our Login Page. Please note that your password reset email will come from Microsoft on behalf of Constructionline.
If, after requesting a reset of your password, you do not receive a password reset email, do the following:
If you are still unable to access your account, please contact our team.
If you have any invoice queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us using our form or by emailing our team directly, and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
You may notice additional requirements that need updating to maintain a verified status.
If you have a Constructionline & Facilitiesline account: If your Constructionline and Altius Assure accounts were verified at the time of migration, to ensure your verification status is not affected, we have placed a 60-day grace period on your account to give you the time you need to complete the additional requirements. Please note that the 60-day grace period started upon completing your migration.
If you only have a Facilitiesline account: If your Altius Assure account was verified at the time of migration, to ensure your verification status is not affected, we have placed a 60-day grace period on your account to give you the time you need to complete the additional requirements. Please note that the 60-day grace period started upon completing your migration.
You can order your van stickers with the Facilitieslines logo by emailing our Marketing team. Please note that you will need to provide your membership number when making your request.
Suppliers, join Facilitiesline to make your details available to procurement professionals public and private sector buyers, across the UK.