Buyer FAQs

Frequently asked questions

Buyer frequently asked questions

Naturally you may have questions regarding Facilitiesline and how it works, so we’ve put together an extensive list of answers, based on the queries our buyers tend to ask.

Do I need to ask suppliers for any of the information already held on Facilitiesline?

No! The primary purpose of Facilitiesline is to reduce the amount of duplication in the supplier assessment process, not just for suppliers who have to repeatedly complete the same questionnaires, but also for yourselves who have to collect and assess this information over and over again. Facilitiesline is a central source where you can check all standard information without any hassle.

How often do you update the information held on registered suppliers?

The information on Facilitiesline is continually being updated. Unlike self-certification services, the database is maintained by our experienced registrations team and we communicate to our members when their information is due to expire so they can update their profile and maintain a verified status.

If a supplier fails to provide us with up to date information, they will become unverified and this will be visible to you within your searches and segments.

Can any department in my organisation use Facilitiesline?

Absolutely. Anyone within your organisation can become a user of your company profile. The admin of the account has the ability to add new users and assign their level of permission, such as adding a member of your finance team as a ‘billing contact’ or adding your business development manager to access Marketplace.

Can you tell me how many suppliers on my existing supplier list are registered?

Yes, we can. This will be one of the first steps we take when we start to onboard your existing suppliers.

To see how we can help you onboard your suppliers, contact our team and we will be happy to assist.

What help is offered to suppliers during the registration process?

We have a number of ways a supplier can get support when registering with Facilitiesline, such as:

  • Live Chat support – When logging into the platform, there is a button on the edge of the screen that says ‘Request help’, that will open the Live Chat function, where suppliers can speak to one of our available platform experts, and not a robot.
  • Knowledge Base – The knowledge base has a variety of guides at hand to help you navigate your way around the platform.
  • Email support – We understand not everyone has the availability to speak to our teams by phone or chat with the team via Live Chat, that’s why we have made it possible to email our teams via our website by visiting our contact us page.
  • Telephone helpline support – Suppliers can contact our teams via telephone where a support agent will be able to help with many different areas, whether it’s during the registration process, updating company details or submitting their information for assessment.
How can I identify my own suppliers on Facilitiesline?

When searching for suppliers on the platform, you have the ability as a buyer to add them to a segment, where you can continue to monitor the suppliers within your supply chain.

To find out more, view the ‘Manage your supply chain‘ guide on our buyer knowledge base or get in touch with our team by visiting our ‘contact us’ page.

How much does it cost to register with Facilitiesline?

To discuss Buyer membership, please contact our Buyer services team who will be happy to you.

Can I offer to pay for my suppliers to register?

Yes, you can pay the registration fee on behalf of your supplier. This is something you should discuss with our Buyer services team.

Still need help?

Drop us an email or call our buyer helpline on 0844 892 0312